
The extinct Tasmanian emu


In a former communication to this Society, which was read on 8th October, 1923, dealing in part with the extinct King Island Emu, I gave, inter alia, some notes upon such Tasmanian Emu b:mes as had been to that date added b our Museum Collection. Since then two other finds have reached us, and will now be passed in review. THE SMITHTON FIND. From an old contributor to our palreontological series of vertebrate remains-Mr. Tom Edwards-there came to us in October, 1924, a synsacrum, 1 femur, 1 tibia-tarsus, 2 tarsc-metatarsi, and 1 cervical vertebra of a Tasmanian Emu recovered from Mowbray Swamp. These were all associated bones absolutely mature, using the word in its true osteological sense-as applica'ble only to bones whose external texture manifest the highest muscular development and the super-ossification incidental thereto. Everything considered, and having due reference to published notes, I consider this bird to have been a female

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