Death poisoning with Reopin of a two-year old girl


Dvogodišnja djevojčica je prema izjavi bake progutala dvije Reopin-G dražeje. Nakon 7 sati hospitalizirana je, ali unatoč poduzetoj intenzivnoj terapiji dijete je umrlo 30-ak sati nakon trovanja, uslijed zatajivanja vitalnih centara. Izvršena obdukcija i histološke pretrage pokazale su nespecifične promjene na organima. Kemijsko-toksikološkom analizom u tkivu jetre i tkivu bubrega, krvi i urina nađen je aminofenazon, dok je fenilbutazon nađen samo u tkivu jetre i bubrega.A two-year-old girl according to her grandmother, swallowed two Reopin-G tablets. After seven hours she was hospitalized, but although an intensive therapy was applied, the child died 30 hours after poisoning, because of failure of vital centres. At autopsy, histological examination showed non-specific changes of parenchymal organs. Chemical-toxicological analysis demonstrated the presence of aminophenazone in the liver and renal tissue, and in blood and urine. Phenylbutazone was found only in the liver and renal tissue

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