
Development of an autonomous algal toxin analytical platform for aquatic monitoring


Cyclic peptide cyanobacterial toxins, in particular Microcystis aeruginosa, pose a serious health risk to humans and animals alike [1], [2]. Occurring mostly in fresh and brackish water, they have been identified to cause cancer promotion and liver damage [3]. Herein, we describe a portable, microfluidic-based system for in-situ detection of algal toxins in fresh water. The technology development presented here is a fully integrated and portable sample-to-answer centrifugal microfluidics-based system for the detection of toxic cyanobacteria – Microcystin-LR in fresh water. Our unique system employs highly-specific recombinant chicken anti-microcystin antibodies, prepared in-house, with a 3D-printed ‘LASER-photo¬diode’ fluorescent detection technique, also developed in-house. The system has high analytical specificity and sensitivity for detection of toxins below the regulatory limit with intra/inter day coefficient of variation of less than 20%. Dissolvable-film based valving technique was used for flow actuation and integration of multiple assays on the centrifugal cartridge. This new approach forms the basis of a cost efficient, USB-controlled water quality monitoring system. Technically, this integrated system consists of two components; a microfluidic disc (figure 1.A), the disc-holder fabricated and assembled from a 3D-printed casing, with electronic components housed in device. The 5-layered microfluidic disc consists of five reservoirs (figure 1.B), each with a separate venti-lation, aligned radially with inter-connected microchannels. A competitive immunoassay format is utilised to detect free toxin (figure 1.C). Sensitivity, reproducibility and ease-of-use are key features of this monitoring device. The ‘top-down’ optical detection system has been modified for improved detection sensitivity, as well as the elimination of external noise

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