Bargaining structure and management control of industrial relations
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Bargaining structure has traditionally been at the centre of
Industrial Relations research, and increasingly attention is being
given to the influences upon it. This study examines management's
attempts to regulate union behaviour in four organisations having
different bargaining structures. These are treated as case studies
and using qualitative data they are compared to study three relationships:
between management structure and bargaining structure; between
bargaining structure and union behaviour; and between situational
determinants and bargaining structure.
The background to the thesis is outlined in Part I. This
introduces the study, des0ribes the research method, and then applies
some of the research data available to previous hypotheses. A number
of tentative proposals are put forward regarding bargaining structure
and the influences upon it which are pursued in Part III.
The four case studies are systematically analysed in the
following four chapters. For each collective bargaining in practice
is outlined followed by an analysis of managerial attempts to regulate
Part III draws on this raw data and analyses managerial
involvement in Industrial Relations in two stages. Initially a framework
for the study of managerial involvement is developed which puts
bargaining structure in its context. Secondly using an established
criterion the effectiveness of management control over union activity
is examined. Finally the implications of the analysis for management,
trade unions, and the reform of Industrial Relations are pursued.
A number of proposals are put forward in this thesis. First
the level of bargaining cannot be studied in isolation, but must be
placed in the context of the other dimensions of bargaining structure.
Second, bargaining structure is influenced by constraints both
internal and external to the organisation, yet management appear
to have a good deal of discretion in choosing a particular structure.
Third, bargaining structure must be placed within the context of the
control systems used by management, many of which may not immediately
be concerned with Industrial Relations. Finally, to understand
managerial control over union activity we must look not only at the
control systems but also the legitimacy of managerial authority.
Put together these proposals contribute to our understanding of likely
future changes in bargaining structure, and the shape possible reforms
might take