
Implementing a human resource plan


This research involved evaluating the human resource management practices and processes within an organisation. The organisation is a well-established life sciences organisation located in New Zealand. The organisation manufactures an insert device which is sold to over 60 countries. The organisation has experienced significant changes, and these changes to the organisation are still in the process of being implemented. The organisation has a clear and focussed business strategy and human resource plan however, the plan has not been implemented. The changes to the organisation have affected the motivation of the employees, job insecurities with the restructuring of the organisation, and employees have experienced an inability to adapt and change. Communication from senior management was initially on a regular basis however, the communication is now less. An audit of human resource systems is recommended, to review current practices and to provide statistical data and information, to senior management to establish the motivation and engagement levels of all employees. The organisation adheres to strict compliance and regulatory guidelines. Therefore health and safety procedures and processes are established, employees are trained during induction and receive ongoing health and safety training. There are robust reporting systems in place for incidents and hazards, a no blame culture is encouraged and employees are comfortable reporting health and safety concerns. The management team support a positive health and safety culture and encourages continuous improvements. For the organisation to evolve its brand and to achieve its vision of attracting and retaining top talent, encouraging collaboration, communication and engaging employees, this report recommends, the human resource plan to be communicated to employees as soon as possible. Communication from senior management should be on a regular basis and results continually reinforced. Senior management should become more visible to the employees on the shop floor

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