Dissociation dynamics of molecular ions in ultrafast, intense laser fields: from diatomic to polyatomic molecules


Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of PhysicsItzhak Ben-ItzhakOut of the many tools for probing molecular dynamics, intense, ultrafast laser pulses are particularly well suited for this purpose. First, these pulses have temporal durations shorter than the typical rotational and vibrational periods of molecules and therefore allow the observation of molecular dynamics on their native timescales. Further, the broad bandwidth and high peak intensities of these laser pulses can result in the excitation of many transition pathways that may interfere and enable control of dynamics. The primary focus of this work is the ultrafast laser-induced dissociation of molecular ions. We generate these ions as “fast” beam targets and study their fragmentation using a coincidence three-dimensional (3D) momentum imaging technique, which allows the measurement of all nuclear fragments, including neutrals. This approach is employed to study laser-induced processes in a variety of molecules. The goal of these efforts is not to study specific molecules but rather to use them as testing grounds to deepen our knowledge of laser-induced molecular dynamics in general. For example, we find that permanent-dipole transitions, which are commonly overlooked in the interpretation of strong-field experiments, play a key role in laser-induced dissociation of metastable NO²⁺ ions. General consideration of these transitions in heteronuclear molecules is important in building our understanding towards more complex molecules. Speaking of more complex systems, we have also begun investigating the laser-induced dynamics of simple hydrocarbons. Our use of molecular ion beam targets gives us the unique ability to exercise control over the initial “configuration,” i.e., geometry of these molecules. Utilizing C₂H₂^q ion beam targets (where q is the molecular ion charge state) prepared in various initial configurations, including acetylene (HCCH), vinylidene (H₂CC), and cis/trans, we have determined that this property has an immense impact on the isomerization dynamics, a finding that we anticipate will lead to future work towards deeper understanding. More broadly, this approach of probing molecules in different initial configurations offers a unique perspective that could be complementary to mainstream methods—not just in the case of C₂H₂ but other chemical systems as well. We also describe some improvements to the 3D momentum imaging methods that facilitate the study of molecular dynamics. One of these developments is a method to distinguish and evaluate the momenta of neutral-neutral channels resulting from the fragmentation of negative ion beams. The second is a technique for imaging the breakup of long-lived metastable molecules decaying in flight to the detector and retrieving the lifetime(s) of the populated states. Our collaborative efforts in adaptive closed-loop control are also discussed. Here, an evolutionary learning algorithm supplied with experimental feedback obtains optimally-shaped ultrashort laser pulses for driving targeted molecular dynamics. While the complexity of the shaped pulses can make interpretation challenging, the combination of these efforts with basic experiments like those we perform using ion beams can help. In closing, the work presented in this thesis extends from diatomic to polyatomic molecules, following the natural progression of building from simpler to more complex systems. We believe that the results of these efforts aid in the advancement of understanding strong-field molecular dynamics and will stimulate future research endeavors along these directions

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