
The Madden Julian Oscillation and its relationship with rainfall in Queensland


The Madden Julian Oscillation is a large-scale atmospheric phenomenon that is generated above the tropical Indian Ocean. It is associated with large convective systems that propagate eastward across the Pacific Ocean. Since it is an atmospheric event limited to the equatorial domain, it was believed that it has little effect on non-tropical regions. However, recent research found correlations between the positioning of the active Madden Julian Oscillation phase along the Equator and rainfall events northeast Australia. The correlations were significant throughout Queensland. The phenomenon is subject to a study by climate scientists at four Australian institutions. It aims to develop a simple predictive tool of rainfall events that are linked with the active phase of the Madden Julian Oscillation and that is applicable throughout Queensland and possible beyond. The outcome of this research is to be linked with agricultural production systems model in order to help Queensland farmers to better time planting and harvesting, as well as scheduling of contractors whose operations might be delayed by rain

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