CONSOLE Project - Deliverable 1.2 - "Identification of potential improved solutions"


This deliverable describes the activies and the results developed in the task 1.2 “Stakeholder co-construction of potential improved solutions”. The objective is to identify the most promising solutions able to improve the design of contracts for agri-environmental-climate public goods (AECPGs) in different case studies and in EU as a whole. The activities carried out involved a surbey among partners, including selectd stakeholders, and a workshop with a broad participation of stakeholders. Several cases were identified that attracted a wide attention by partners from many countries. Three main AECPGs (carbon sequestration, biodiversity, water quality) were mostly confirmed as of high or very high importance in most cases. The furher discussion allowed to identify implications for the upcoming WPs. A general message is the high interest for result-based mechanisms, but also the importance of considering hybrid solutions

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