Effects of a One-Day Krav Maga Training: Early Stages of Skill Acquisition of a Krav Maga Kick and Punch


Krav Maga (KM), inspired by various forms of martial arts, is a form of self-defence training intended to teach civilians the necessary techniques required to fight against street violence. KM offers self-defence training in over 70 countries to a variety of populations. Moreover, in countries such as U.S.A and France, KM is an integral part of the military and police training. Although many forms of martial arts have been studied for decades, theres few mentions of KM in the current literature. The current study investigated the effectiveness of a 30-minute instructional session among seventeen female volunteers. The participants displayed a 42% increase in kick peak force when compared to their baseline. This change in performance is most likely associated with KM instruction and is perhaps demonstrating characteristics of learning among novice

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