The Aristaless-related homeobox gene in mouse brain development


The production and integration of GABAergic interneurons into the cortex is a crucial element of brain development. These neurons play important roles in controlling and modulating neural firing patterns by completing local circuits. The loss of the rhythm generation, synchronization and inhibition of neural signaling provided by interneurons likely leads to severe deficits in the brain, which in human patients are believed to result in intellectual disability (ID) and epilepsy. Mutations in the transcription factor Aristaless-related homeobox gene (ARX) are also associated with these clinical phenotypes, as well as defects in interneuron populations. However, the normal function of ARX and the mechanism of disease in patients with mutations are unknown. In Chapter 2, I studied the role of Arx in interneurons, using in vitro and in vivo techniques, with emphasis on understanding the mechanism of disease of an expansion of the first polyalanine tract in Arx (ArxE). This mutation is associated with ID, Infantile Spasm Syndrome and other early epileptic phenotypes in patients. Expression of ArxE in a mouse model in which Arx has been deleted in cells either in the ventral forebrain or in the entire forebrain demonstrated that this mutation causes dysfunction in the non-radial cell migration (NRCM) of ventrally-born interneurons moving to the cortex, but not in neurons born in dorsal proliferative areas migrating radially to form the cortical plate. Arx is unable to repress specific targets through a context-specific loss of binding to its repressive cofactor Tle1 at those targets. In Chapter 3, I investigated the effect of Arx deletion on interneuron subpopulations, which showed that calbindin-positive neurons are decreased in dorsal areas of the embryonic brain, and increased in ventral areas, while Nkx2.1-positive cells appear to migrate abnormally from the subpallium dorsally into the pallium. This suggests that Arx regulates guidance factors that are important for proper localization of various subsets of interneurons. Therefore, normal transcriptional repression by Arx is necessary in interneurons, and a polyalanine tract expansion leads to a partial loss of this repressive function, which is sufficient to disrupt NRCM

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