
Sex attraction in Cruznema lambdiense (Nematoda : Rhabditidae)


Cruznema lambdiense males did not attract males, and females did not attract females. Young virgin males responded to young virgin females but, not to old virgin females. Young virgin females, however, rcsponded to both young and old virgin males. Virgin males were not attracted to non-virgin females, but non-virgin males were attracted to virgin females. Non-virgin females showed a positive response to virgin males, and virgin females also responded to non-virgin males. Attraction of males to females and females to males increased when the number of attractant worms increased from ten to 50, but greater numbers did not produce a corresponding increase in attraction. When both males and females were put together in varying ratios at the attractant source, the attraction of females increased slightly to ratio of female : male of 1:50 to 20:50 but declined thereaftter to increasing ratios. Males, however, did not show any similar increase to male : female ratios and attraction gradually decreased from 1:50 to 50:50 male: female ratio

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