
Suelos volcanicos endurecidos


Scanning electron microscope (SEM) studies of calcareous encrusting in volcanic ash soils containing active and petrified roots of pine trees revealed that the calcified material is related to the fine root mat of the pine rhizosphere and particulary to a dense network of very thin biologic filaments of about 0,1um in diameter to 0,5um. The diversity in morphology of the calcitic accretions from fibers to rods with epitaxial growth of an hedral crystals, results from different stages in the calcification. In the first stage, freshly calcified filaments are semi-rigid and coated with gel-like products composed mainly of Ca, Al and Si. In the most advanced stages, secondary anhedral calcite crystals a few microns in size develop on the biologic structures and form an open network with the accumulated debris of calcified filaments. Amorphous silica, as a cementing agent, contributes to the hardening of this porous calcitic fabric. The most advanced stages of calcification are observed in soils below 30 to 50 years old pine trees, whereas 15 years old pine plantations display only filamentous and needly-fiber calcifications. (Résumé d'auteur)

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