
Suelos volcanicos endurecidos


The agricultural rehabilitation of tepetates, indurated and sterile volcanic tuffs located along the mexican neovolcanic ridge, is technically possible. However, it is necessary to know in detail the agro-socioeconomical factors of the peasant communities which have these kind of lands, to give them technical answers appropiate to local realities. The studies of 4 communities located in the states of Mexico. Tlaxcala, Jalisco and Michoacan, show that the climatic conditions are mostly difficult (long dry season, irregular rains, early frosts). The use of irrigation is limited. Each producer family cultivates a small surface of land which is principally ejidal. Tepetates areas are the last pieces of land still not distributed and of common use (firewood ans pasture).Most peasants can survive with the help of an external job, while field production is mainly for self-consumption. During the last 20 years, capitalisation occured through the purchase of cattle. So, the number of animals is growing up and by consequence, the pressure on the natural pastures too, favouring the apparition and extension of tepetates. Breaking the tepetates to give them a new agricultural use means, in addition to technical help at the beginning, the creation and development of forage crops. Actually, this type of crops are not very common. It is also necessary to propose forest management and/or wood-fire plantations. The costs of this rehabilitation are too high (nearly 1,000 $/ha) for most peasants, in spite of the increasing value of the land after this work and a recuperation of the investment after 5 and 8 years in the production systems which use animal and mechanical tractions. So those investments require external help (State, NGOs, credits...) at the beginning. (Résumé d'auteur)

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