
Coupes verticales des structures océaniques physiques à 165°E observées au cours de dix campagnes SURTROPAC, 1984-1988


In, 1984, the SURTROPAC group from the ORSTOM Center in Noumea has undertaken a series of trans-equatorial biannual cruises, along the 165°E meridian, from 20°S-10°N. These cruises are now part of the international TOGA program, and are scheduled until 1994. Half-way of this series, this report presents sections of temperature (T), salinity (S), potential density, zonal geostrophic currents (Ug), and zonal (u) and meridional (v) components of measured currents, for each of the 10 cruises already carried out. Some indications on data processing and contouring algorithms are given before. Two different types of hydrology probes and current profilers were used for measurements : for cruises § 1-5, a Bisset-Berman model 9040 STD probe, and a more accurate Seabird model SBE9 CTD for cruises § 6-10; the 2 Düing-like profilers are based on Aanderaa currentmeters, and differ only by the shape of floats used ... To improve resolution of shallow structures, hydrology sections are presented twice, on 0-400m and 0-1000m vertical scales. For cruises § 7-10, CTD casts were deeper, and 0-2000m sections are also shown. Measured velocity sections are given on 0-400m, for comparisons with hydrology section

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