
Size distribution and abundance of phytoplankton in the Pacific Equatorial upwelling


In January 1991, the Equatorial Pacific enrichment area covered a belt more than 11000 km long, with surface nitrate concentration ... near the Galapagos Islands, decreasing westwards and desappearing beyond 167°E. In this area, the amount of chlorophyll a (Chla) did not change significantly from one end of the upwelling to the other, and was very low everywhere ... Schematically, in spite of the typical longitudinal gradients of temperature and nutrients, all data of chlorophyll, size distribution and cell numbers clearly indicate that an extreme monotony characterizes the distribution of phytoplankton all along the enrichment area due to the Equatorial upwelling, covering 11 million km2 for mean upwelling conditions. (D'après résumé d'auteur

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