
Postprandial utilization of energy susbtrates by a tropical catfish, Holosternum littorale : indirect calorimetry analysis


Indirect calorimetry method was used to measure postprandial utilization of energy substrates by atipa, #Hoplosternum littorale (#Callichthyidae, Siluriform). A model was adjusted to the data on respiratory exchanges and nitrogen excretion for this purpose. As for other fish species, protein was actively catabolized after feeding during the 60 hr measurement time. As long as carbohydrates were available, atipa was also able to use these substrates for its energy metabolism. A gradual increase of contribution of lipids was then noticed. Over a 24 hr period following the food intake, a 30 g fish catabolized 90 mg of proteins and 43 mg of carbohydrates. At the same time, the results led to a synthesis of 3.7 mg of fat. An estimation of the increase of the global metabolism associated to food intake was obtained from integration of the exponential terms of the models. (Résumé d'auteur

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