Biodynex : biology, dynamics, exploitation of the small pelagic fishes in the Java Sea


This study is based on the catch and effort data, collected from different sources between 1976 and 1986. The composite model of Caddy and Garcia (1982), one of the models derived from the Schaefer and Fox model, was used to estimate the MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield) and the optimum effort of the small pelagic resoures in the Java Sea. It seems that the current status of exploitation is near its maximal level. The fisheries exploit a lot of species with various ecological behaviors. Some, such as the coastal specie, are fully and heavily exploited while others, such as the coastal species, are fully and heavily exploited while others, such as the oceanic ones, are partially exploited. Thus it is difficult to give an accurate assessment. Other approaches (analytical models) would allow more precise results. This is why the statistical data collection as well as the biological and behavior study must be continued. Since 1976 the catch of small pelagic increases continuously, in 1985 it reaches 150 000 tons. During this period the CPUE fluctuates a lot. (Résumé d'auteur

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