Classical probes of string/gauge theory duality


The AdS/CFT correspondence has played an important role in the recent development of string theory. The reason is that it proposes a description of certain gauge theories in terms of string theory. It is such that simple string theory computations give information about the strong coupling regime of the gauge theory. Vice versa, gauge theory computations give information about string theory and quantum gravity. Although much is known about AdS/CFT, the precise map between the two sides of the correspondence is not completely understood. In the unraveling of such map classical string solutions play a vital role. In this thesis, several classical string solutions are proposed to help understand the AdS/CFT duality. First, rigidly rotating strings on a two-sphere are studied. Taking special limits of such solutions leads to two cases: the already known giant magnon solution, and a new solution which we call the single spike solution. Next, we compute the scattering phase shift of the single spike solutions and compare the result with the giant magnon solutions. Intriguingly, the results are the same up to non-logarithmic terms, indicating that the single spike solution should have the same rich spin chain structure as the giant magnon solution. Afterward, we consider open string solutions ending on the boundary of AdS5. The lines traced by the ends of such open strings can be viewed as Wilson loops in [special characters omitted] = 4 SYM theory. After applying an inversion transformation, the open Wilson loops become closed Wilson loops whose expectation value is consistent with previously conjectured results. Next, several Wilson loops for [special characters omitted] = 4 SYM in an AdS5 pp-wave background are considered and translated to the pure AdS 5 background and their interpretation as forward quark-gluon scattering is suggested. In the last part of this thesis, a class of classical solutions for closed strings moving in AdS3 × S 1 ⊂ AdS5 × S5 with energy E and spin S in AdS3 and angular momentum J and winding m in S1 is explained. The relation between different limits of the spiky string solution with the Landau-Lifshitz model is of particular interest. The presented solutions provide new classes of string motion that are used to better understand the AdS/CFT correspondence, including the single spike solution and previously unknown examples of supersymmetric Wilson loops

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