C_1化学の原料としてのスギの選択的熱分解 II : 生成気体中のCOの占める割合の粒子サイズ, 部位, 温度, 時間依存性ならびに速度論的解釈


木材をC_1化学の素原料として役立てるための詳細な情報を得るために, 前報で得られたスギ熱分解実験結果を生成気体中の一酸化炭素 (CO) の割合の観点から検討した。さらにこの反応の速度論についても考察した。すなわち, 処理温度が高いほど, 生成気体中のCOの割合は高くなり, 試料の粒子のサイズ, 試料の採取部位, 分解時間にはほどんど無関係であった。また, 200℃から300℃の温度範囲における反応の活性化エネルギーは, 辺材の場合が8. 73×10_4 J mol_, 心材の場合が9. 07×10_4 J mol_であり, 文献値と同じオーダーであることが判明した。To obtain a detailed information on wood as raw materials for C1-chemistry, the experimental results in our previous paper were analysed, and the kinetics of the reaction was discussed. In view of the carbon monoxide (CO) percentage in produced gases from pyrolyzed Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don), its percentage was found to be higher as a pyrolysis temperature was higher. However, it was barely irrespective of the size and portion of wood collected, and pyrolysis time. The activation energies obtained experimentally were 8.73×104 J mol-1 and 9.07×104 J mol-1, respectively, for sapwood and heartwood portions in the temperature range between 200 and 300℃. These values were in a good agreement in the order of magnitude with those in the references

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