Talented Students and Resilient At-Risk Students: Similarities and Differences


This study compared academically talented students (n = 23) who were not at risk for school failure and resilient at-risk students (n = 27) on risk factors and protective/promotive factors. Participants’ risk status was determined by student assignment. The academically talented students were attending a summer program at a major research university and the at-risk students were graduates of a continuation high school for students who had had numerous infractions at regular high schools. As expected, the two groups differed on risk factors and on factors related to academic status. However, the groups did not differ on psychosocial variables related to positive functioning, suggesting that some of the factors that act as protective factors in at-risk youth may serve as promotive factors in gifted and talented youth. resilient at-risk students (n = 27) on risk factors and protective/promotive factors. Participants’ risk status was determined by student assignment. The academically talented students were attending a summer program at a major research university and the at-risk students were graduates of a continuation high school for students who had had numerous infractions at regular high schools. As expected, the two groups differed on risk factors and on factors related to academic status. However, the groups did not differ on psychosocial variables related to positive functioning, suggesting that some of the factors that act as protective factors in at-risk youth may serve as promotive factors in gifted and talented youth

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