
Water, Livelihood and Health in Attapeu Province in Lao PDR


This paper presents the results of an investigation on water-borne infectious diseaseconducted among the people of Attapeu province from 2003 to 2008. Regardless of the lastcholera epidemic in Attapeu province, Lao PDR in the year 1999, the local peoples'awareness of cholera was remarkably low, as demonstrated by the knowledge survey ondiarrheal diseases performed in the province in 2006. In the case study material, derivedfrom continuous field observations on malaria among permanent residents in relocatedvillages in Sanxay district from 2004 to 2008, the infection rate among febrile cases was ashigh as 45% in the early resettlement period, while it was proved that the rate fell later to1.9-14%. Judging from the environmental condition of this settlement area, this papermakes clear the persistent threat of malaria. Furthermore, among the villagers, hookworminfection was highly prevalent. However, liver fluke infections were scarce and noascariasis was found from parasitic stool examination in 2007. Water quality analysis ofthe water sources resulted in remarkably safe water from tube wells from 2003 to 2008

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