
前立腺肥大症103例に対しロバベロン錠の臨床効果を検討した.1日6錠, 3週間連続投与を原則とした.残尿量は病期にかかわらず減少した.収縮振幅は全病期で増加した.残尿減少率は1, 2, 3期と投与前残尿量に比例し高い伸び率を示した.膀胱内圧測定, 尿道抵抗測定と尿流量測定などからロバベロン錠の効果は膀胱利尿筋に直接作用し, 筋力の増強に寄与するためと考えた.主治医の有効性判定から, 残尿の少ない1期例に対する自覚症状の改善も期待できた.副作用はロバベロン注射剤と同種のものを数例にみ, 発現率3.9%であった.以上から, ロバベロン錠は前立腺肥大症の保存的治療薬とし, 注射剤と同等の効果が期待でき, 安全に使用できると考えたTherapeutic effect of Robaveron tablet (KN-7) was studied on 101 patients with urinary disturbance accompanied by benign prostatic hypertrophy. Robaveron tablet, which contains 20 mg of a swine prostatic extract per tablet, was administered 6 tablets daily for 3 weeks in principle. Evaluation of drug efficacy was based on residual urine, cystometric findings, urethral pressure profile, uroflowmetry and subjective symptoms. Remarkable decrease of residual urine was observed at all stages of Guyon classification, in parallel with increases of cystometric pressure amplitude and average flow rate. Rate of residual urine reduction rose in proportion to the higher stage or bulkier volume of residual urine. Improvements of subjective symptoms were also obtained. The overall effectiveness, rated slightly improved or better was 76.8%. Side effects were seen at a low rate of 3.9%, and there were no abnormal changes directly due to the drug in clinical laboratory tests. These results indicate that Robaveron tablets act on the detrusor muscle and contribute to improve the depressed voiding efficiency and incidental symptoms of the subjects

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