
CMX, CFSの併用療法を, 難治性で緑膿菌感染が疑われる複雑性尿路感染症を対象に行った.1)効果判定症例91例中総合有効率は73%であった.これらのうち緑膿菌検出例44例では75%, その他の細菌による感染例47例では70%の有効率であった.2)疾患病態群別総合臨床効果はカテーテル留置群を含めいずれの群でも60%以上の有効率を示した.3)細菌学的効果は全体で91%の消失率であり, そのうち緑膿菌82%, セラチア100%, シトロバクター100%, クレブシェラ100%などグラム陰性菌では特に高い消失率を示した.また投与後菌出現率は20%と比較的低率でその多くはYLOであった.4)自他覚的副作用発現頻度は2.4%, 臨床検査値異常化は7.4%にみられたがこれらはいずれも軽度かつ一過性であったCefmenoxime (2 g) and cefsulodin (1 g) were given twice daily for 5 days by concomitant intravenous drip infusion (mixed infusion) to 135 patients with complicated urinary tract infection (c-UTI) probably caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The clinical efficacy was evaluated according to the criteria proposed by the UTI committee in Japan. Ninety one subjects met the criteria for c-UTI and were evaluable for drug efficacy. P. aeruginosa was detected in 44 cases (including mixed infection with other organisms). The overall efficacy rate was 73% of the 91 cases; 75% of the 44 cases with P. aeruginosa and 70% in the 47 cases without P. aeruginosa infection. As to bacteriological response, the eradication rate was 91% (105/116) for all cases. By organism, the eradication rate for P. aeruginosa, Serratia spp. and Citrobacter spp. were 82 (36/44), 100 (12/12) and 100% (10/10), respectively. The eradication rate for gram-negative rods was 93% (99/107). Twenty-three strains appeared after treatment, and the majority of them (13) were yeast-like organisms. There was only one strain of P. aeruginosa. As for side effects, eruption was found in 2 cases. Cefmenoxime and cefsulodin were administered concomitantly to patients with c-UTI which was suspected to be caused by P. aeruginosa. The high overall efficacy rate of about 70% on the average was obtained regardless of the causative organism and disease state. The eradication rate of as high as about 90% was obtained excluding Enterococcus faecalis. Neither severe side effects nor abnormal laboratory values were found. It appeared, therefore, that this dosage regimen was useful for the treatment of refractory complicated urinary tract infection

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