
Primary carcinoma of the male urethra: a case report


A case of primary carcinoma of the male urethra is reported. A 72-year-old male who complained of dysuria and a perineal mass, was admitted to our hospital in April, 1982. Irregularity and narrowing of bulbous urethra were detected on the urethrocystogram and the biopsied specimen from the perineal mass showed the histological findings of squamous cell carcinoma. Total penectomy, total cystectomy, construction of ileal conduit and pelvic lymphadenectomy were performed. The tumor, 10 X 6 X 5 cm in size, was located in the bulbous urethra and the histological diagnosis was well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma with no lymph node metastasis. In spite of postoperative administration of bleomycin, local recurrence appeared 3 months after operation and the patient died from disease progression in August, 1983. The age, histopathology, symptoms, past history, site of tumor, treatment and prognosis in 126 Japanese cases of primary male urethral tumor including the present case were reviewed. En bloc exenteration including resection of the inferior rami or pubic bone with chemotherapy and radiotherapy is recommended for advanced carcinoma of bulbomenbrous urethra

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