


120例を対象に, ciprofloxacin(200mg錠)単回(A群), 1回3日間(B群), 2回3日間(C群), ならびにcefpodoxime-proxetil(CPDX-PR)200mg1回3日間(D群)の4群間で, 有効性と安全性を比較検討した.効果の判定はUTI薬効評価基準(第3版)に準じ, 単回治療群では投薬3日後, 3日間投与群では投薬終了翌日を原則とし, 可能な範囲で投薬後2~3週間の再発の有無も検討した.評価可能な107例の総合臨床効果は著効72例, 有効35例, 無効1例, 投薬後2~3週間の検討が可能な16例中3例に再発が認められた.治療群別の細菌消失率はA群88%, B群85.2%, C群85.2%, D群82.1%で, 各群間の有効率に有意差はなかった.副作用は1例もなかった.これらから, ciprofloxacin(200mg錠)の単回投与は急性単純性膀胱炎の治療法として有用と考えられたTo assess the efficacy and safety of a single-dose therapy for acute uncomplicated cystitis (AUC), we compared 4 treatment regimens in 120 women. Patients eligible for the study were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups: Ciprofloxacin (CPFX) 200 mg in a single oral dose (group A); 200 mg once daily for 3 days (group B); 200 mg twice daily for 3 day (group C); and cefpodoxime-proxcetil (CPDX-PR) 200 mg once daily for 3 days (group D). The efficacy was evaluated 3 days after the single-dose therapy or at the end of a three-day therapy according to the criteria proposed by the Japanese UTI Committee. The overall clinical efficacy in a total of 107 patients was evaluated to be excellent, moderate, and poor in 72 (67.3%), 35 (31.8%), and 1 (0.9%), respectively. The causative organisms were eradicated in 88.0, 85.2, 85.2, and 82.1% of the patients in groups A, B, C, and D, respectively. Recurrence was identified in 3 (2 in group A and one in group D) of 16 patients who were followed at 2 to 3 weeks after the treatment. No adverse reactions related to the antibiotics were recognized in the study. There were no significant differences in the clinical efficacy or recurrence rate among these four treatment regimens. These results indicate that the single-dose therapy of CPFX is the treatment of choice in women with AUC

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