68歳男.正常精巣を圧排するように存在する精巣白膜嚢胞の1例を経験した.組織学的には精巣輸出管由来と考えられる嚢胞であった.このような精巣の良性嚢胞性疾患は, 精巣腫瘍と鑑別する上で重要である.なお, 本症例は治療として高位精巣摘除術が施行されたが, 術前十分な検討のもと良性疾患の診断が行われれば, 精巣温存も可能だと思われたWe describe a patient whose testicular parenchyma was displaced by a cyst. Histologic findings suggested that the cyst was a dilated efferent ductule passing through the tunica albuginea. Such a cyst is an important and benign consideration in the differential diagnosis of testicular masses. Although orchiectomy was performed in this case, early consideration and confirmation of benign lesions may permit testicular preservation