
Cultural significance of dugong to Thai villagers: Implications for conservation


March 5-6, 2009, Bangkok, ThailandDugongs (Dugong dugon) are seen in limited areas along both coastlines of Thailand, the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand. Thai researchers have been studying the dugong since 1979. Information on the history of dugongs, beliefs, and the previous use of dugong body parts in Thailand has been gathered from interviews with local people along both coastlines since 1994. Within Thailand various village names and other locations have been derived from the various names of the dugong in the Thai language. Currently, the local belief in magical properties of dugongs are not as strong as in the past, but items made of dugong body parts have been found, especially along the coast of the Andaman Sea. Scientists are making an effort to utilize traditional ecological knowledge on the conservation and management of dugong and other marine endangered animals. It is likely that traditional ecological knowledge would play an important role in conservation and management of dugong and biodiversity in Thailand in the future

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