
Enzymic Dehydrogenation of p-Coumaryl Alcohol. : III. Analysis of Dilignols by Gas Chromatography and NMR Spectrometry


この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。p-Coumaryl alcohol was dehydrogenated with peroxidase and H_2O_2 system. Five dilignols, p-coumarylresinol (I), dehydrodi-p-coumaryl alcohol (II), p-hydroxyphenyl-glycerol-β-coumaryl ether (III), monoepoxylignan (IV) and 5-5'-dilignol (V) were identified and determined by both gas chromatography and NMR spectrometry, and the ratio of the amounts of the three main dilignols (I, II and III) was 31 : 49 : 20. The dilignol (V) was trace in amount (0.6%), and 1, 2-diarylpropane-l, 3-diol (VI) could not be found. The ratio of the racemoid and mesoid couplings at C-β and C-β' carbons was about 9.4 : 1, and the dilignol (III) was a mixture consisting of erythro and threo isomers (1:4.7) whose ratio was determined by gas chromatography. From these results, it was concluded that coniferyl and p-coumaryl alcohols had almost the same reactivity on enzymic dehydrogenation

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