
Stimulation of κ Light-Chain Gene Rearrangement by the Immunoglobulin, µ Heavy Chain in a Pre-B-Cell Line


B-lymphocyte development exhibits a characteristic order of immunoglobulin gene rearrangements. Previous work has led to the hypothesis that expression of the immunoglobulin µ heavy chain induces rearrangement activity at the K light-chain locus. To examine this issue in more detail, we isolated five matched pairs of µ^- and endogenously rearranged µ^+ cell lines from the Abelson murine leukemia virus-transformed pro-B-cell line K.40. In four of the five µ^+ cell lines, substantial expression of µ protein on the cell surface was observed, and this correlated with an enhanced frequency of K immunoglobulin gene rearrangement compared with that in the matched µ^- cell lines. This increased K gene rearrangement frequency was not due to a general increase in the amount of V(D)J recombinase activity in the µ^+ cells. Consistently, introduction of a functionally rearranged µ gene into one of the µ^- pre-B-cell lines resulted in a fivefold increase in K gene rearrangements. In three of the four clonally matched pairs with increased K gene rearrangements, the increase in rearrangement frequency was not accompanied by a significant increase in germ line transcripts from the C_K locus. However, in the fourth pair, K.40D, we observed an increase in germ line transcription of the kappa locus after expression of µ protein encoded by either an endogenously rearranged or a transfected functional heavy-chain allele. In these cells, the amount of the germ line C_K transcript correlated with the measured frequency of rearranged K genes. These results support a regulated model of B-cell development in which µ protein expression in some way targets the V(D)J recombinase to the K gene locus

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