
Amenagement linguistique, standardisation et dynamiques de changement dans l'arabe marocain


The aim of this paper is to analyze the processes of standardization and language planning currently being experienced by Moroccan Arabic, and focuses on the following aspects: firstly, the creation of a theoretical and methodological framework for the concept of standardization; secondly, various sociolinguistic and ideological considerations on the debate regarding the need to establish a standard variety for Moroccan Arabic; thirdly, the different aspects of a sociolinguistic perspective (which I consider an urgent issue in the process of Moroccan Arabic standardization) are examined in more detail. Some models of the standard variety of Moroccan Arabic, found in the linguistic market in Morocco, are also discussed. Finally, some conclusions, derived from the data analysis made, are drawn.The aim of this paper is to analyze the processes of standardization and language planning currently being experienced by Moroccan Arabic, and focuses on the following aspects: firstly, the creation of a theoretical and methodological framework for the concept of standardization; secondly, various sociolinguistic and ideological considerations on the debate regarding the need to establish a standard variety for Moroccan Arabic; thirdly, the different aspects of a sociolinguistic perspective (which I consider an urgent issue in the process of Moroccan Arabic standardization) are examined in more detail. Some models of the standard variety of Moroccan Arabic, found in the linguistic market in Morocco, are also discussed. Finally, some conclusions, derived from the data analysis made, are drawn.L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser les processus de normalisation et de planification linguistique que connaît actuellement l’arabe marocain. Plus précisément l’article traite les aspects suivants: premièrement, nous présentons notre cadre théorique et méthodologique a propos de la notion de normalisation. Deuxièmement, nous mettons l’accent sur diverses considérations sociolinguistiques et idéologique sur le débat concernant la nécessité d’établir une variété standard de l’arabe marocain. Troisièmement, nous examinons plus en détail les différents aspects d’un point de vue sociolinguistique (considérés comme une question urgente dans le processus de normalisation de l’arabe marocain). Nous analysons et nous discutons également certains modèles du standard de l’arabe marocain, qu’on a trouvé dans le marché linguistique au Maroc. Et enfin, certaines conclusions serons tirées a partir de l’analyse des données

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