
I Genovesi e la conquista turca di Costantinopoli (1453). Note su Tommaso Spinola e la sua famiglia


The Liguria sources in the Genoese archive, drawn up by notaries in the Genoese settlements along the Black Sea coasts during the last centuries of the Middle Ages have striking relevance for our knowledge of social, economic, political, administrative, juridical, religious, cultural, town planning and everyday life history. In the present study we review the so far published sources concerning Caffa, Solgat in Crimea, Pera located on the Gold Horn in front of Constantinople, Chilia and Licostomo on the West coast of the Black Sea as well as places along the South coast such as Trebizond. Ultimately, in order to obtain a comprehensive view of lacking sources it will be worthy either a systematic work in the notary archive and the publication to completion of still unpublished notary sources.The Liguria sources in the Genoese archive, drawn up by notaries in the Genoese settlements along the Black Sea coasts during the last centuries of the Middle Ages have striking relevance for our knowledge of social, economic, political, administrative, juridical, religious, cultural, town planning and everyday life history. In the present study we review the so far published sources concerning Caffa, Solgat in Crimea, Pera located on the Gold Horn in front of Constantinople, Chilia and Licostomo on the West coast of the Black Sea as well as places along the South coast such as Trebizond. Ultimately, in order to obtain a comprehensive view of lacking sources it will be worthy either a systematic work in the notary archive and the publication to completion of still unpublished notary sources

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