
Estructura económica y grupos de campesinos en la villa de Tarifa a finales de la Esdad Media


In this work we go deeply into the knowledge of the economic structure and peasant groups in the Crown of Castile at the end of the Middle Ages. To do this, we take as an example the research ordered by don Fadrique Enríquez de Ribera in his villa of Tarifa in 1527. The reason for it – find out if it was desirable to raise pigs with wheat, barley or other seeds – led to a high percentage of population demonstrated on this issue. The statements made by witnesses yield valuable information on various aspects relating to the rural world of the late Middle Ages in general, and about peasant identity in particular. Finally, we understand that this study develops two interesting lines of action: the use of documentary sources which serves to deepen this problem, and on the other hand, the progressive rural identity peasantry awareness decision-making

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