
Hamiltonian G-Spaces with Regular Momenta


Let G be a compact connected non-Abelian Lie group and let (P, w, G, J) be a Hamiltonian G-space. Call this space a G-space with regular momenta if J(P) ⊂ g*reg, here g*reg⊂g* denotes the regular points of the co-adjoint action of G. Here problems involving a G-space with regular momenta are reduced to problems in an associated lower dimensional Hamiltonian T-space, where T ⊂ G is a maximal torus. For example two such G-spaces are shown to be equivalent if and only if they have equivalent associated T-spaces. We also give a new construction of a normal form due to Marle (1983), for integrable G-spaces with regular momenta. We show that this construction, which is a kind of non-Abelian generalization of action-angle coordinates, can be reduced to constructing conventional action-angle coordinates in the associated T-space. In particular the normal form applies globally if the action-angle coordinates can be constructed globally. We illustrate our results in concrete examples from mechanics, including the rigid body. We also indicate applications to Hamiltonian perturbation theory

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