
Small Scale Detonation Studies: Direct impulse measurements for detonations and deflagrations


This report is an account of research carried out from January to June 2000 on the feasibility of detonation initiation and impulse generation for small-scale pulse detonation engines. The initial work was focussed on the direct measurement of impulse using the ballistic pendulum technique for single detonations initiated in a tube with one end open to the atmosphere through a thin diaphragm. Three tubes were used: (1) 38-mm diameter by 1.5 m long. (2) 75-mm diameter by 0.6 m long. (3) 75-mm diameter by 1 m long. At the closed end of the tube, combustion was initiated by a low energy, less than 50 mJ, capacitor discharge system. A fast flame or detonation was created by transition to detonation. The effect of spirals and orifice plates was examined on propane- and ethylene-oxygen-nitrogen mixtures with varying initial pressure, equivalence ratio, and dilution amounts. A simple model for the impulse in prompt detonations was developed and calibrated. The results of our experiments were compared with this model

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