
An Analysis Package for Bolometer Ground Testing


ESA's Herschel Space Observatory, to be launched in 2007, will be sensitive to far infrared wavelengths beyond 60 μm. The longer wavelength interval between 200 and 670 μm will be covered by SPIRE, a combination of broad band camera and Fourier transform spectrometer. SPIRE will use exclusively spiderweb bolometers as detectors, which are manufactured and tested at JPL. We describe a data analysis package developed at the NASA Herschel Science Center at IPAC in support of the testing activity, which expects to cover 12 detector arrays with between 24 and 144 channels each. The package consists of a widget based viewer allowing immediate display and limited processing of the 193 recorded data channels in the lab and a suite of subroutines and scripts, allowing fast and flexible pipeline data reduction

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