A hydrothermal origin for isotopically anomalous cap dolostone cements from south China


The release of methane into the atmosphere through destabilization of clathrates is a positive feedback mechanism capable of amplifying global warming trends that may have operated several times in the geological past. Such methane release is a hypothesized cause or amplifier for one of the most drastic global warming events in Earth history, the end of the Marinoan ‘snowball Earth’ ice age, ~635 Myr ago. A key piece of evidence supporting this hypothesis is the occurrence of exceptionally depleted carbon isotope signatures (δ^(13)C_(PDB) down to −48‰; in post-glacial cap dolostones (that is, dolostone overlying glacial deposits) from south China; these signatures have been interpreted as products of methane oxidation at the time of deposition. Here we show, on the basis of carbonate clumped isotope thermometry, ^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr isotope ratios, trace element content and clay mineral evidence, that carbonates bearing the ^(13)C-depleted signatures crystallized more than 1.6 Myr after deposition of the cap dolostone. Our results indicate that highly ^(13)C-depleted carbonate cements grew from hydrothermal fluids and suggest that their carbon isotope signatures are a consequence of thermogenic methane oxidation at depth. This finding not only negates carbon isotope evidence for methane release during Marinoan deglaciation in south China, but also eliminates the only known occurrence of a Precambrian sedimentary carbonate with highly ^(13)C-depleted signatures related to methane oxidation in a seep environment. We propose that the capacity to form highly ^(13)C-depleted seep carbonates, through biogenic anaeorobic oxidation of methane using sulphate, was limited in the Precambrian period by low sulphate concentrations in sea water. As a consequence, although clathrate destabilization may or may not have had a role in the exit from the ‘snowball’ state, it would not have left extreme carbon isotope signals in cap dolostones

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