Josep Calzada (Sant Feliu de Guíxols 1913-Girona 1990) fou un eclesiàstic singular. Va ser vicari i rector de poble, professor del Seminari i canonge de la catedral. Amplià estudis a Salamanca i es revelà com un ensenyant notable de la teologia tomista. Els nous esquemes mentals de l’Església, derivats del concili Vaticà II, li truncaren el camí. Aleshores es refugià en les classes de l’Institut d’ensenyament mitjà i, tot seguit, en una destinació a la Diputació, vinculada al patrimoni històric i artístic, la qual cosa li permeté de sobreviure fins que va caure en la depressió.Josep Calzada (Sant Feliu de Guíxols 1913-Girona 1990) was a singular ecclesiastic. He was vicar and rector of a village, teacher at the Seminary and canon of the cathedral. He expanded his studies in Salamanca and revealed himself as a remarkable teacher of Thomist theology. The new mindset of the Church after the Second Vatican Council truncated his path. He took refuge teaching at an Institute for secondary education and then took a post at the Provincial Council working with historic and art heritage. This allowed him to survive until he fell into depression