Biostratigrafía y litostratigrafía del Paleoceno Superior-Eoceno Inferior del sector oriental de la Cuenca Surpirenaica


This work is a revision of the Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene lithostratigraphic units in the Southpyrenean basin and their larger foraminiferal assemblages (nummulitids and alveolinids). We assign the various assemblages to their respective alveolinid and nummulitid biozones.In the eastern part of the Southpyrenean Basin the Cadi and Sagnari formations present a nummulitid assemblage with a chronostratigraphic range from the early Ilerdian to the lowermost Cuisian. The lower part of the Corones Formation hosts an alveolinid assemblage belonging to the early Cuisian, whereas the uppermost part of this unit belongs to the middle Cuisian shown by magnetostratigraphic data. The La Penya and Armhncies formations present a nurnmulitid assemblage with a chronostratigraphic range between the rniddle Cuisian and the lowermost Lutetian. Finally, the Campdevhol Formation includes a reworked nummulitid assemblage that allows us to state the chronostratigraphic position of this unit as being no older than the late early Lutetian

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