
Identity of Prosepididontus calpterys Handlirsch 1920 (Insecta: Grylloblattida: Geinitziidae)


Prosepididontus calopteryx HANDLIRSCH 1920, from the upper Lower Jurassic of Germ a ny, is transferred from Trichoptera to Grylloblattida: Geinitziidae. The anal loop like structure of Prosepididontus calopteryx is built of the concave CuP and two anal veins. Prosepididontidae HANDLIRSCH, 1920 is synonymised under Geinitziidae HANDLIRSCH, 1906.Prosepididontus calopteryx HANDLIRSCH 1920, from the upper Lower Jurassic of Germ a ny, is transferred from Trichoptera to Grylloblattida: Geinitziidae. The anal loop like structure of Prosepididontus calopteryx is built of the concave CuP and two anal veins. Prosepididontidae HANDLIRSCH, 1920 is synonymised under Geinitziidae HANDLIRSCH, 1906

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