
Fine-Scale Staging of T Cell Lineage Commitment in Adult Mouse Thymus


T cell development is marked by the loss of alternative lineage choices accompanying specification and commitment to the T cell lineage. Commitment occurs between the CD4 and CD8 double-negative (DN) 2 and DN3 stages in mouse early T cells. To determine the gene regulatory changes that accompany commitment, we sought to distinguish and characterize the earliest committed wild-type DN adult thymocytes. A transitional cell population, defined by the first downregulation of surface c-Kit expression, was found to have lost the ability to differentiate into dendritic cells and NK cells when cultured without Notch-Delta signals. In the presence of Notch signaling, this subset generates T lineage descendants in an ordered precursor–product relationship between DN2, with the highest levels of surface c-Kit, and c-Kit–low DN3 cells. These earliest committed cells show only a few differences in regulatory gene expression, compared with uncommitted DN2 cells. They have not yet established the full expression of Notch-related and T cell differentiation genes characteristic of DN3 cells before β selection. Instead, the downregulation of select stem cell and non-T lineage genes appears to be key to the extinction of alternative lineage choices

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