
Constructos personales y perfil sintomático en la etapa del climaterio: un estudio exploratorio


This study explored the cognitive constructions of climacteric women consulting a gynecology outpatient clinic (G1). Their cognitive constructs were assessed through the application of Kelly's Repertory Grid, and the results were contrasted with those from women in two control groups: one comprisingnon-consulting climacteric women (G2), and the other comprising younger adult women (G3) Significant differences were found only on the greater social isolation perceived by women in the two climacteric groups, as compared withG3. In spite of this, G1 presented a tendency to differ from G2 and G3 in several dimensions of the Grid. This suggests the possible influence o f the negative social stereotype linlced with climacterics on the way these women attribute meaning to their health problems. Additionally, significant group differences were found on the symptoms scale, which reveals the importance of the general health stattls of the consulting climacteric women, aside from the typical disturbancesassociated with climacterics.En este estudio se exploraron algunas características cognitivas y sintomáticas en un grupo de mujeres en etapa de climaterio, que van a consultar a centros de salud (G1), en un grupo de mujeres en etapa de climaterio, que no consultaron de forma habitual (G2) en un grupo de mujeres adultas, de menor edad (G3). Todas las mujeres fueron evaluadas a través de la Técnica de Rejilla Interpersonal (TRI) y de la escala de síntomas SCL-90-R. Solo se observaron diferencias significativas en el mayor aislamiento social percibido por G1 y G2 comparado con G3. No obstante, se observó que G1 presenta una tendencia a diferir de G2 y G3 en varias de las dimensiones de TRI, las que insinúan una posible influencia del estereotipo social negativo ligado al climaterio en el significadode sus problemas de salud. En el SCL-90-R las diferencias significativas entre los grupos revelan la importancia de las sensaciones de malestar general en salud del G1 por encima del perfil, de perturbaciones típicas del climaterio

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