Ion-induced electron emission monitoring of the structure and morphology evolution in HOPG


The temperature dependences of the ion-induced electron emission yield c of highly-oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) under high-fluence (10^(18)–10^(19) ions/cm^2) 30 keV Ar^+ ion irradiation at ion incidence angles from θ = 0° (normal incidence) to 80° have been measured to trace both the structure and morphology changes in the basal oriented samples. The target temperature has been varied during continuous irradiation from T = -180 to 400°C. The surface analysis has been performed by the RHEED and SEM techniques. The surface microgeometry was studied using laser goniophotometry (LGF). The dependences of Υ(T) were found to be strongly non-monotonic and essentially different from the ones for Ar^+ and N_2 ^+ ion irradiation of the polygranular graphites. A sharp peak at irradiation temperature T_p 150°C was found. A strong influence of electron transport anisotropy has been observed, and ion-induced microgeometry is discussed

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