
Difficult Pain


El dolor que presenten les dones és sovint un enigma. També per la ciència mèdica. En aquest escrit explico com l’assistència al dolor crònic que les dones presenten més sovint m’ha representat un repte professional i també personal. Per travessar aquet repte, he mirat de posar en contacte diferents aspectes de la meva experiència, fugint de la compartimentació que la major part de les disciplines universitàries del coneixement ens proposen. Ha estat un privilegi i un plaer fer-ho al costat d’un grup de recerca de Duoda i de l’obra de l’artista Cori Mercadé. El resultat ha estat sorprenent per a mi mateixa. Una mirada i una comprensió nova respecte del que representen —d’oportunitat i de recreació de la realitat— els diagnòstics mèdics. I alhora com els modifica l’ús que en fem qui les patim i qui les assistim. El dolor difícil, que de vegades s’ha expressat com Stabat Mater, demana el treball de les paraules.The pain that women present with is often an enigma. For medical science too. In this text I explain how attending to the chronic pain that women most often present with has supposed both a professional and personal challenge for me. In order to respond to that challenge, I have sought to bring different aspects of my experience together, escaping the compartmentalization that most university disciplines of knowledge offer us. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to do so alongside a research group from Duoda and the work of the artist Cori Mercadé. The result has been surprising even for me. A new perspective and understanding in regards to what —in terms of opportunity and recreation of reality— medical diagnoses represent. And, at the same time, how it changes the way that we use them for those who suffer and those who attend. Difficult pain, which has sometimes been expressed as Stabat Mater, requires the work of words

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