
A new hygromiid for the Iberian malacofauna: Candidula corbellai n. sp. (Gastropoda, Pulmonata)


We report a new Iberian hygromiid, Candidula corbellai n. sp., and describe its conchological and anatomical characteristics. This new species is compared with two other Iberian endemic species, Candidula camporroblensis and C. rocandioi, which present similarities in the reproductive system, such as the long flagellum. The shell of the new species is compared with specimens of the type series of these taxa. The reproductive system of C. corbellai n. sp. is distinguished from C. camporroblensis by its longer male part, although the flagellum is shorter than the penis and epiphallus together and it has a long bursa copulatrix with respect to its duct, which is shorter. The epiphallus and the bursa copulatrix duct are longer in C. rocandioi than in C. corbellai n. sp. A geographical distribution map of the three species in the Iberian peninsula is shown. Key words: Hygromiidae, Candidula corbellai n. sp., Candidula camporroblensis, Candidula rocandioi, Catalonia, Iberian peninsula.Se describen las características conquiológicas y anatómicas de un nuevo higrómido ibérico, Candidula corbellai sp. n. Se compara con otros dos endemismos ibéricos, Candidula camporroblensis y C. rocandioi, especies con las que presenta similitud en el aparato reproductor, ya que ambos poseen el flagelo largo. La concha del nuevo taxón se ha comparado con ejemplares de la serie tipo de estos taxones. En cuanto al aparato reproductor C. corbellai sp. n. se distingue de C. camporroblensis porque la primera posee la porción masculina mucho más larga, aunque el flagelo no lo es tanto como el pene y epifalo juntos y por poseer la bursa copulatrix larga en relación a su conducto, que es corto. Con respecto a C. rocandioi el epifalo y el conducto de la bursa copulatrix son mucho más largos que en C. corbellai sp. n. Además se aporta un mapa de la distribución geográfica de las tres especies en la península Ibérica. Palabras clave: Hygromiidae, Candidula corbellai sp. n., Candidula camporroblensis, Candidula rocandioi, Cataluña, Península Ibérica.We report a new Iberian hygromiid, Candidula corbellai n. sp., and describe its conchological and anatomical characteristics. This new species is compared with two other Iberian endemic species, Candidula camporroblensis and C. rocandioi, which present similarities in the reproductive system, such as the long flagellum. The shell of the new species is compared with specimens of the type series of these taxa. The reproductive system of C. corbellai n. sp. is distinguished from C. camporroblensis by its longer male part, although the flagellum is shorter than the penis and epiphallus together and it has a long bursa copulatrix with respect to its duct, which is shorter. The epiphallus and the bursa copulatrix duct are longer in C. rocandioi than in C. corbellai n. sp. A geographical distribution map of the three species in the Iberian peninsula is shown. Key words: Hygromiidae, Candidula corbellai n. sp., Candidula camporroblensis, Candidula rocandioi, Catalonia, Iberian peninsula

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