
Nuevas tendencias en la comunicación de los programas de marketing con causa en España


The communication strategies of programs of causerelated marketing have improved substantially in recent years, moving from simple communication tactics or actions towards the beginnings of genuine communication strategies of cause-related marketing programs which are carefully planned. Thus, this article attempts to explain the evolution of the communication of programs of cause-related marketing and to highlight the new trends in advertising communications which both companies and non-profit organizations have been adopting, in recent years, to carry out this type of marketing strategy. Carolina Sorribas Morales es doctora en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas y miembro del Grup de Recerca en Estratègia i Creativitat Publicitàries de la Facultat de Comunicació Blanquerna (URL). KEY WORDS: cause-related marketing, communication strategy. PALABRAS CLAVE: marketing con causa, estrategia de comunicación

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