
Superquadrics and Angle-Preserving Transformations


Over the past 20 years, a great deal of interest has developed in the use of computer graphics and numerical methods for three-dimensional design. Significant progress in geometric modeling is being made, predominantly for objects best represented by lists of edges, faces, and vertices. One long-term goal of this work is a unified mathematical formalism, to form the basis of an interactive and intuitive design environment in which designers can simulate three-dimensional scenes with shading and texture, produce usable design images, verify numerical machining-control commands, and set up finite-element meshwork for structural and dynamic analysis. A new collection of smooth parametric objects and a new set of three-dimensional parametric modifiers show potential for helping to achieve this goal. The superquadric primitives and angle-preserving transformations extend the traditional geometric primitives-quadric surfaces and parametric patches-used in existing design packages, producing a new spectrum of flexible forms. Their chief advantage is that they allow complex solids and surfaces to be constructed and altered easily from a few interactive parameters

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