Faktaboken i praktiken : hur ett antal barn- och ungdomsbibliotekarier arbetar med faktaböcker i sin lässtimulerande verksamhet


The purpose of this thesis is to study how children's librarians in public libraries use non-fiction books in their work to promote reading. My research questions are: What methods do children's librarians use för promoting non-fiction books? Are there children who can gain more from non-fiction books than other children do? Are there any differences in working with fiction and non-fiction books? To answer these questions I have interwieved five children's librarians about their methods, attitudes and thoughts on non-fiction books.The result shows that all of the librarians use non-fiction when it comes to promotion reading but not to the same extent. Some hardly use it at all, mainly because the schools that they are serving demands fiction books when practicing reading skills. while others use it but in less extent than fiction, as a way of separating the library reading from school work either because they want to keep the experience of reading in the library apart from school work or because they find it more efficient to do so. Some librarians see non-fiction and fiction as equally important in helping children to find the joy of reading, and use it in book talks, when reading aloud, different bookrelated activities and in displays. Non-fiction books can offer opportunities to different age-groups as well as other ways of approaching the text.The study shows that boys are slightly more reluctant readers and are more keen on reading non-fiction. Non-fiction can be a good way for children who don't enjoy reading to approach books, by focusing on their interestsand the possibility of learning more about them. At the same time, non-fiction books can also give rise to furher reflections, by the children themselves, as well as in their interactions with the librarians, and, perhaps most important give them a joy of reading.The study indicates that when children are introduced to a variety of genres, the difference between the reading skills of boys and girls is reduced. This shows that attitudes towards reading plays an important part in how children perceive literature and offers a way to include more children in the work of promoting literature and the joy of reading

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