
Low-density MDS codes and factors of complete graphs


We present a class of array code of size n×l, where l=2n or 2n+1, called B-Code. The distances of the B-Code and its dual are 3 and l-1, respectively. The B-Code and its dual are optimal in the sense that i) they are maximum-distance separable (MDS), ii) they have an optimal encoding property, i.e., the number of the parity bits that are affected by change of a single information bit is minimal, and iii) they have optimal length. Using a new graph description of the codes, we prove an equivalence relation between the construction of the B-Code (or its dual) and a combinatorial problem known as perfect one-factorization of complete graphs, thus obtaining constructions of two families of the B-Code and its dual, one of which is new. Efficient decoding algorithms are also given, both for erasure correcting and for error correcting. The existence of perfect one-factorizations for every complete graph with an even number of nodes is a 35 years long conjecture in graph theory. The construction of B-Codes of arbitrary odd length will provide an affirmative answer to the conjecture

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