Content analysis of the Des Moines Register\u27s coverage of women in sport through photographs since Title IX


The purpose of this study was to examine the specific coverage of girls and women in sport photographs by the Des Moines Register since the inception of Title IX in 1972. This particular time period was chosen because of the impact Title IX has had on the numbers of girls and women participating in sport. Using George Gerbner\u27s theory of cultivation as a theoretical basis, the study sought to determine whether the photographs and their descriptors portray stereotypical images of women and girls in sport.;While there have been several studies conducted on the portrayal of women in sporting magazines and television, there is not as much information available on the presence of women in sport as portrayed through newspaper photographs. This study looks specifically at the content of sport photographs in the Des Moines Register. Results of the content analysis of the Des Moines Register sports section concluded that the fundamental relationship among women, gender and sport as shown through portrayals in women\u27s sports photographs has improved in the last 25 years since Title IX

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