
A wake model for free-streamline flow theory. Part 1. Fully and partially developed wake flows and cavity flows past an oblique flat plate


A wake model for the free-streamline theory is proposed to treat the two-dimensional flow past an obstacle with a wake or cavity formation. In this model the wake flow is approximately described in the large by an equivalent potential flow such that along the wake boundary the pressure first assumes a prescribed constant under-pressure in a region downstream of the separation points (called the near-wake) and then increases continuously from this under-pressure to the given free-stream value in an infinite wake strip of finite width (the far-wake). Application of this wake model provides a rather smooth continuous transition of the hydrodynamic forces from the fully developed wake flow to the fully wetted flow as the wake disappears. When applied to the wake flow past an inclined flat plate, this model yields the exact solution in a closed form for the whole range of the wake under-pressure coefficient

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